
We aim to equip our young adults with the skills, tools and knowledge to be ready to enter the local workforce and become responsible and independent young adults within their communities.

Young Adult Preparation and Integration Program

Anjali House has a number of young adults who are reaching the age of 18 and are required to begin considering their future lives and career options. Coming from impoverished and socially excluded families it is vital they receive education, assistance and support in considering these decisions. In Siem Reap, there are, through the tourist sector especially, many varied opportunities for employment many of which are unknown to the children and communities in which we work. The aim of the Young Adult Program is a to educate and prepare these young adults to integrate successfully into their future jobs and communities.

The Young Adult Program consists of two separate phases, a preparation phase and an integration phase, both with a duration of approximately 2 years. The preparation phase is developed to provide the young adults with the tools, skills and knowledge to make sound decisions about their future careers. The integration phase is designed to integrate the young adults back into the local community, in which they can be responsible and independent adults, as such being role models for other youths.

In the preparation phase, students follow a specially designed curriculum involving English language skills, computer skills, life skills and career orientation classes at Anjali. English language and computer skills are becoming increasingly important as Cambodia continues its development in the global economy. The career orientation classes are used to encourage thinking about the future, explore possible career options and understand the world of work. During life skills, important concepts such as friendship, personal conflicts, respect and praising are discussed hence developing the young adults to be a good citizen.

When they reach the age of 18, the integration phase will start. This phase consists of a monitored accommodation for the young adults in the Young Adult House in Siem Reap. In this house, the young adults  learn to run their household and live independently. They are enrolled in vocational training or a university study of their choice and they gain valuable working experience at part-time work placements. Assistance through our dedicated staff will gradually decrease over time, yet Anjali House will always stay in contact with the young adults, their families and their prospective employers to ensure sustainable success of the Young Adult Program.